I started photographing in 1988, when I was 18. By that time, there was no digital photography, everything was different, more objective and more risky.
During my academic training I came into contact with B&W photography in the darkroom, which made me understand the photographic process more deeply and look at capturing light on a photosensitive surface in a different way.
In 2006 I embarked on the first "more serious" adventure in a cycling event, with TransPortugal BTT. Already at that time I always looked for the context, more than the subject, I always tried to give dimension to what I do by showing the landscape and the grandeur of the places, with the framework of the events.
As the years went by, the events repeated themselves, but so did the passion for the landscape, nature, the universe and astrophotography.
Recently I had the opportunity to cover professional cycling events, with the adrenaline of high-level competitions. That experience give me a new layer of expertise, and a lot of satisfaction.
What I look for in an image is to convey sensations through the dimension of the landscape, the color, the texture and even the subjects, who have mostly been cyclists.
In the last few months I entered the world of video in a more serious way. I keep trying to convey the same perspective, but here in a more demanding way, combining voice, music, sound effects and moving images, to convey the same emotion as the events in which I get involved.